How to change the color of the Progress Bar in Android?- (I tried one way,and it isn't working) [duplicate] How to change the color of the Progress Bar in Android?- (I tried one way,and it isn't working) [duplicate] xml xml

How to change the color of the Progress Bar in Android?- (I tried one way,and it isn't working) [duplicate]

If you just want to change the colour, add a colour filter to your progress bar:

pbHeaderProgress.getIndeterminateDrawable().setColorFilter(Color.RED, Mode.MULTIPLY);

The Mode parameter, refers to the PorterDuff.Mode Values - available here.

I just found a way. I don't even need a separate xml file to change the color as the progress bar is of type "indeterminate:true"

I used the following to change the color of my progress bar:


You can get variety of hex color codes from here: