How to deserialize an XML array containing multiple types of elements in C# How to deserialize an XML array containing multiple types of elements in C# xml xml

How to deserialize an XML array containing multiple types of elements in C#

There are two ways to do this; the first is to do something like:

[XmlArray("players")][XmlArrayItem("skater", Type=typeof(Skater))][XmlArrayItem("goalie", Type=typeof(Goalie))]public List<SomeCommonBaseClass> Players { get; set; }

which maps the two element types inside a single collection. Worst case, SomeCommonBaseClass could be object:

[XmlArray("players")][XmlArrayItem("skater", Type=typeof(Skater))][XmlArrayItem("goalie", Type=typeof(Goalie))]public List<object> Players { get; set; }

The second is to make <players> map to a wrapper object:

[XmlElement("players")]public Players Players { get;set;}...public class Players{    [XmlElement("skater")]    public List<Skater> Skaters {get;set;}    [XmlElement("goalie")]    public List<Goalie> Goalies {get;set;}}

Which to choose depends on the circumstance; the latter allows things like "at most one goalie", by changing it to:

    [XmlElement("goalie")]    public Goalie Goalie {get;set;}