How to generate xs:Date in WCF OperationContract parameter How to generate xs:Date in WCF OperationContract parameter xml xml

How to generate xs:Date in WCF OperationContract parameter

Now that this has come to my attention, I have created a new Suggestion in Connect, at Please Fully Support xs:Date for Date-Only Parameters and DataMembers. I rated this with four stars (important).

If anyone reading this feels this is important (or else disagrees), then please use Connect to vote on it or comment on it.

You specified a requirement to have xs:Date as a parameter in the operation. The thing is, there's a formal way to specify such requirements: WSDL. If I were doing this I would use a WSDL First approach. Start with a WSDL that defines the contract you want, including an xs:date in the interface, wherever it is you want it. Then generate the service stub using svcutil.exe. Remember to pass in /serializer:xmlSerializer .

I've also got described issue. I've developed my own solution - WcfDate custom type. It is published here: WCF Support for xs:date