How to get a particular attribute from XML element in SQL Server How to get a particular attribute from XML element in SQL Server xml xml

How to get a particular attribute from XML element in SQL Server

Try using the .value function instead of .query:

SELECT   xmlCol.value('(/container/param[@name="paramB"]/@value)[1]', 'varchar(50)') FROM    LogTable

The XPath expression could potentially return a list of nodes, therefore you need to add a [1] to that potential list to tell SQL Server to use the first of those entries (and yes - that list is 1-based - not 0-based). As second parameter, you need to specify what type the value should be converted to - just guessing here.


Depending on the the actual structure of your xml, it may be useful to put a view over it to make it easier to consume using 'regular' sql eg

CREATE VIEW vwLogTableASSELECT    c.p.value('@name', 'varchar(10)') name,    c.p.value('@value', 'varchar(10)') valueFROM    LogTable    CROSS APPLY x.nodes('/container/param') c(p)GO-- now you can get all values for paramB as...SELECT value FROM vwLogTable WHERE name = 'paramB'