How to get a reliable&valid manifest content of APK file, even using InputStream? How to get a reliable&valid manifest content of APK file, even using InputStream? xml xml

How to get a reliable&valid manifest content of APK file, even using InputStream?

Likely you'd have to handle all of the special cases you've already identified.

Aliases & hexadecimal references might confuse it; these would need to be resolved.

For example, to fall-back from manifest to mnfs would at least solve one issue:

fun getRootNode(document: Document): Node? {    var node: Node? = document.getElementsByTagName("manifest")?.item(0)    if (node == null) {        node = document.getElementsByTagName("mnfs")?.item(0)    }    return node}

"Features & Tests" would require TextUtils.htmlEncode() for & or another parser configuration.

Making it parse single AndroidManifest.xml files would make it easier to test, because with each other package there may be more unexpected input - until it comes close to the manifest parser which the OS uses (the source code might help). As one can see, it may set cookies for reading it. Take this list of package names and set up a test case for each of them, then the issues are rather isolated. But the main issue is that these cookies are most likely not available to 3rd party applications.

It seems that ApkManifestFetcher doesn't handle all cases such as text (between tags) and name space declarations and, maybe, a few other things. Below is a rework of ApkManifestFetcher that handles all 300+ APKs on my phone except for the Netflix APK which is coming up with some blank attributes.

I no longer believe that the files that start with <mnfs have anything to do with obfuscation but are encoded using UTF-8 rather than UTF-16 which the app assumes (16 bits vs 8 bits). The reworked app handles UTF-8 encoding and can parse these files.

As mentioned above, name spaces are not handled correctly by the original class or this rework although the rework can skip past them. Comments in the code describe this a little.

That said, the code below may be good enough for certain applications. The better, although longer, course of action would be to use code from apktool which seems to be able to handle all APKs.


object ApkManifestFetcher {    fun getManifestXmlFromFile(apkFile: File) =            getManifestXmlFromInputStream(FileInputStream(apkFile))    fun getManifestXmlFromFilePath(apkFilePath: String) =            getManifestXmlFromInputStream(FileInputStream(File(apkFilePath)))    fun getManifestXmlFromInputStream(ApkInputStream: InputStream): String? {        ZipInputStream(ApkInputStream).use { zipInputStream: ZipInputStream ->            while (true) {                val entry = zipInputStream.nextEntry ?: break                if ( == "AndroidManifest.xml") {                    return decompressXML(zipInputStream.readBytes())                }            }        }        return null    }    /**     * Binary XML name space starts     */    private const val startNameSpace = 0x00100100    /**     * Binary XML name space ends     */    private const val endNameSpace = 0x00100101    /**     * Binary XML start Tag     */    private const val startTag = 0x00100102    /**     * Binary XML end Tag     */    private const val endTag = 0x00100103    /**     * Binary XML text Tag     */    private const val textTag = 0x00100104    /*     * Flag for UTF-8 encoded file. Default is UTF-16.     */    private const val FLAG_UTF_8 = 0x00000100    /**     * Reference var for spacing     * Used in prtIndent()     */    private const val spaces = "                                             "    // Flag if the manifest is in UTF-8 but we don't really handle it.    private var mIsUTF8 = false    /**     * Parse the 'compressed' binary form of Android XML docs     * such as for AndroidManifest.xml in .apk files     * Source:     *     * @param xml Encoded XML content to decompress     */    private fun decompressXML(xml: ByteArray): String {        val resultXml = StringBuilder()        /*        Compressed XML file/bytes starts with 24x bytes of data            9 32 bit words in little endian order (LSB first):                0th word is 03 00 (Magic number) 08 00 (header size words 0-1)                1st word is the size of the compressed XML. This should equal size of xml array.                2nd word is 01 00 (Magic number) 1c 00 (header size words 2-8)                3rd word is offset of byte after string table                4th word is number of strings in string table                5th word is style count                6th word are flags                7th word string table offset                8th word is styles offset                [string index table (little endian offset into string table)]                [string table (two byte length followed by text for each entry UTF-16, nul)]        */        mIsUTF8 = (lew(xml, 24) and FLAG_UTF_8) != 0        val numbStrings = lew(xml, 4 * 4)        // StringIndexTable starts at offset 24x, an array of 32 bit LE offsets        // of the length/string data in the StringTable.        val sitOff = 0x24  // Offset of start of StringIndexTable        // StringTable, each string is represented with a 16 bit little endian        // character count, followed by that number of 16 bit (LE) (Unicode) chars.        val stOff = sitOff + numbStrings * 4  // StringTable follows StrIndexTable        // XMLTags, The XML tag tree starts after some unknown content after the        // StringTable.  There is some unknown data after the StringTable, scan        // forward from this point to the flag for the start of an XML start tag.        var xmlTagOff = lew(xml, 3 * 4)  // Start from the offset in the 3rd word.        // Scan forward until we find the bytes: 0x02011000(x00100102 in normal int)        run {            var ii = xmlTagOff            while (ii < xml.size - 4) {                if (lew(xml, ii) == startTag) {                    xmlTagOff = ii                    break                }                ii += 4            }        }        /*        XML tags and attributes:        Every XML start and end tag consists of 6 32 bit words:            0th word: 02011000 for startTag and 03011000 for endTag            1st word: a flag?, like 38000000            2nd word: Line of where this tag appeared in the original source file            3rd word: 0xFFFFFFFF ??            4th word: StringIndex of NameSpace name, or 0xFFFFFF for default NS            5th word: StringIndex of Element Name            (Note: 01011000 in 0th word means end of XML document, endDocTag)        Start tags (not end tags) contain 3 more words:            6th word: 14001400 meaning??            7th word: Number of Attributes that follow this tag(follow word 8th)            8th word: 00000000 meaning??        Attributes consist of 5 words:            0th word: StringIndex of Attribute Name's Namespace, or 0xFFFFFF            1st word: StringIndex of Attribute Name            2nd word: StringIndex of Attribute Value, or 0xFFFFFFF if ResourceId used            3rd word: Flags?            4th word: str ind of attr value again, or ResourceId of value        Text blocks consist of 7 words            0th word: The text tag (0x00100104)            1st word: Size of the block (28 bytes)            2nd word: Line number            3rd word: 0xFFFFFFFF            4th word: Index into the string table            5th word: Unknown            6th word: Unknown        startNameSpace blocks consist of 6 words            0th word: The startNameSpace tag (0x00100100)            1st word: Size of the block (24 bytes)            2nd word: Line number            3rd word: 0xFFFFFFFF            4th word: Index into the string table for the prefix            5th word: Index into the string table for the URI        endNameSpace blocks consist of 6 words            0th word: The endNameSpace tag (0x00100101)            1st word: Size of the block (24 bytes)            2nd word: Line number            3rd word: 0xFFFFFFFF            4th word: Index into the string table for the prefix            5th word: Index into the string table for the URI        */        // Step through the XML tree element tags and attributes        var off = xmlTagOff        var indent = 0        while (off < xml.size) {            val tag0 = lew(xml, off)            val nameSi = lew(xml, off + 5 * 4)            when (tag0) {                startTag -> {                    val numbAttrs = lew(xml, off + 7 * 4)  // Number of Attributes to follow                    off += 9 * 4  // Skip over 6+3 words of startTag data                    val name = compXmlString(xml, sitOff, stOff, nameSi)                    // Look for the Attributes                    val sb = StringBuffer()                    for (ii in 0 until numbAttrs) {                        val attrNameSi = lew(xml, off + 1 * 4)  // AttrName String Index                        val attrValueSi = lew(xml, off + 2 * 4) // AttrValue Str Ind, or 0xFFFFFF                        val attrResId = lew(xml, off + 4 * 4)  // AttrValue ResourceId or dup AttrValue StrInd                        off += 5 * 4  // Skip over the 5 words of an attribute                        val attrName = compXmlString(xml, sitOff, stOff, attrNameSi)                        val attrValue = if (attrValueSi != -1)                            compXmlString(xml, sitOff, stOff, attrValueSi)                        else                            "resourceID 0x" + Integer.toHexString(attrResId)                        sb.append(" $attrName=\"$attrValue\"")                    }                    resultXml.append(prtIndent(indent, "<$name$sb>"))                    indent++                }                endTag -> {                    indent--                    off += 6 * 4  // Skip over 6 words of endTag data                    val name = compXmlString(xml, sitOff, stOff, nameSi)                    resultXml.append(prtIndent(indent, "</$name>")                    )                }                textTag -> {  // Text that is hanging out between start and end tags                    val text = compXmlString(xml, sitOff, stOff, lew(xml, off + 16))                    resultXml.append(text)                    off += lew(xml, off + 4)                }                startNameSpace -> {                    //Todo startNameSpace and endNameSpace are effectively skipped, but they are not handled.                    off += lew(xml, off + 4)                }                endNameSpace -> {                    off += lew(xml, off + 4)                }                else -> {                    Log.d(                            "Applog", "  Unrecognized tag code '" + Integer.toHexString(tag0)                            + "' at offset " + off                    )                }            }        }        return resultXml.toString()    }    /**     * Tool Method for decompressXML();     * Compute binary XML to its string format     * Source: Source:     *     * @param xml Binary-formatted XML     * @param sitOff     * @param stOff     * @param strInd     * @return String-formatted XML     */    private fun compXmlString(            xml: ByteArray, @Suppress("SameParameterValue") sitOff: Int,            stOff: Int,            strInd: Int    ): String? {        if (strInd < 0) return null        val strOff = stOff + lew(xml, sitOff + strInd * 4)        return compXmlStringAt(xml, strOff)    }    /**     * Tool Method for decompressXML();     * Apply indentation     *     * @param indent Indentation level     * @param str String to indent     * @return Indented string     */    private fun prtIndent(indent: Int, str: String): String {        return spaces.substring(0, min(indent * 2, spaces.length)) + str    }    /**     * Tool method for decompressXML()     * Return the string stored in StringTable format at     * offset strOff.  This offset points to the 16 bit string length, which     * is followed by that number of 16 bit (Unicode) chars.     *     * @param arr StringTable array     * @param strOff Offset to get string from     * @return String from StringTable at offset strOff     */    private fun compXmlStringAt(arr: ByteArray, strOff: Int): String {        var start = strOff        var charSetUsed: Charset = Charsets.UTF_16LE        val byteLength = if (mIsUTF8) {            charSetUsed = Charsets.UTF_8            start += 2            arr[strOff + 1].toInt() and 0xFF        } else { // UTF-16LE            start += 2            ((arr[strOff + 1].toInt() and 0xFF shl 8) or (arr[strOff].toInt() and 0xFF)) * 2        }        return String(arr, start, byteLength, charSetUsed)    }    /**     * Return value of a Little Endian 32 bit word from the byte array     * at offset off.     *     * @param arr Byte array with 32 bit word     * @param off Offset to get word from     * @return Value of Little Endian 32 bit word specified     */    private fun lew(arr: ByteArray, off: Int): Int {        return (arr[off + 3] shl 24 and -0x1000000 or ((arr[off + 2] shl 16) and 0xff0000)                or (arr[off + 1] shl 8 and 0xff00) or (arr[off].toInt() and 0xFF))    }    private infix fun Byte.shl(i: Int): Int = (this.toInt() shl i)}