how to update the xml file using xmlstarlet how to update the xml file using xmlstarlet xml xml

how to update the xml file using xmlstarlet

You did not show your input document, but I assume it is the following, taken from the xmlstarlet documentation:

<xml>  <table>    <rec id="1">      <numField>123</numField>      <stringField>String Value</stringField>    </rec>    <rec id="2">      <numField>346</numField>      <stringField>Text Value</stringField>    </rec>    <rec id="3">      <numField>-23</numField>      <stringField>stringValue</stringField>    </rec>  </table></xml>

xmlstarlet modifies the file, but the result is sent to standard output, not saved in the original file. Use another option --inplace to modify the file in place:

$ xml ed --inplace -u "/xml/table/rec[@id='3']/@id" -v 5 rec.xml


$ cat rec.xml<?xml version="1.0"?><xml>  <table>    <rec id="1">      <numField>123</numField>      <stringField>String Value</stringField>    </rec>    <rec id="2">      <numField>346</numField>      <stringField>Text Value</stringField>    </rec>    <rec id="5">      <numField>-23</numField>      <stringField>stringValue</stringField>    </rec>  </table></xml>

By the way, this question seems to ask something very similar to this question.

EDIT: As suggested by @npostavs, this option is listed in the edit help:

$ xml edit --help...-L (or --inplace)   - edit file inplace...