INSERT XML into SQL Server 2008 database INSERT XML into SQL Server 2008 database xml xml

INSERT XML into SQL Server 2008 database

Yes, there are issues when you try to insert XML into SQL Server 2008 and the XML contains an encoding instruction line.

I typically get around using the CONVERT function which allows me to instruct SQL Server to skip those instructions - use something like this:

INSERT INTO testfiles  (filename, filemeta) VALUES   ('test.mp3', CONVERT(XML, N'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" standalone="yes"?>......', 2));

It has definitely helped me get various encoded XML stuff into SQL Server.

See the MSDN docs on CAST and CONVERT - a bit down the page there's a number of styles you can use for CONVERT with XML and some explanations about them.

You just need to include N in front of your XML string to make it unicode.

INSERT INTO testfiles  (filename, filemeta) VALUES   ('test.mp3', N'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" standalone="yes"?><!--This is a test XML file--><filemeta filetype="Audio"><Comments /><AlbumTitle /><TrackNumber /><ArtistName /><Year /><Genre /><TrackTitle /></filemeta>');

This worked for me without any errors:

DECLARE @input XML SET @input = N'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" standalone="yes"?><!--This is a test XML file--><filemeta filetype="Audio"><Comments /><AlbumTitle /><TrackNumber /><ArtistName /><Year /><Genre /><TrackTitle /></filemeta>'INSERT INTO testfiles (filename, filemeta)VALUES ('test.mp3', @input);