intellij say "cannot find declaration to go to" in android xml file [duplicate] intellij say "cannot find declaration to go to" in android xml file [duplicate] xml xml

intellij say "cannot find declaration to go to" in android xml file [duplicate]

I had the same problem, here is what fixed it for me:

  1. close the project in intellij.
  2. close intellij.
  3. go to the project folder and delete the .idea folder
  4. restart intellij and open the project (wait for the indexing to finish) and it would work.

Please try "File --> Invalidate Caches..." and restart IDE. It worked for me. Android Studio v3.6.2

I had the same problem, I used following steps:

  1. Go to File
  2. Select Power save mode option
  3. Disable the power save mode

This is worked for me and for suggestion.