Is it possible to save the current XMLReader Position for later use? Is it possible to save the current XMLReader Position for later use? xml xml

Is it possible to save the current XMLReader Position for later use?

I work in a project where an external system writes xmls (without a defined namespace) and we need to read them to find nodes with some special values:

  • When the value is not ready, we read again after a few minutes.
  • In other case, we process the node (attributes, values, etc.)

So, I think this code can help you:

var input1 = @"<root> <ta>   <XGLi6id90>774825484.1418393</XGLi6id90>   <VAfrBVB>     <EG60sk>1030847709.7303829</EG60sk>     <XR>NOT_READY</XR>   </VAfrBVB> </ta> <DxshpR>1123</DxshpR>

var input2 = @"<root> <ta>   <XGLi6id90>774825484.1418393</XGLi6id90>   <VAfrBVB>     <EG60sk>1030847709.7303829</EG60sk>     <XR>99999999</XR>   </VAfrBVB> </ta> <DxshpR>1123</DxshpR>

var stream1 = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(input1));var stream2 = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(input2));stream1.Position = 0;stream2.Position = 0;var position1 = DoWork(stream1, new Position());var position2 = DoWork(stream2, position1);    public static Position DoWork(Stream stream, Position position)    {        using (XmlTextReader xmlTextReader = new XmlTextReader(stream))        {            using (XmlReader xmlReader = XmlReader.Create(xmlTextReader, xmlReaderSettings))            {                // restores the last position                 xmlTextReader.SetPosition(position);                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(xmlReader.Value); // Second time prints 99999999                while (xmlReader.Value != "NOT_READY" && xmlReader.Read())                {                    // a custom logic to process nodes....                }                // saves the position to process later ...                position = xmlTextReader.GetPosition();                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(xmlReader.Value); // First time prints NOT_READY            }        }        return position;    }}public class Position{    public int LinePosition { get; set; }    public int LineNumber { get; set; }}public static class XmlReaderExtensions{    public static void SetPosition(this XmlTextReader xmlTextReader, Position position)    {        if (position != null)        {            while (xmlTextReader.LineNumber < position.LineNumber && xmlTextReader.Read())            {            }            while (xmlTextReader.LinePosition < position.LinePosition && xmlTextReader.Read())            {            }        }    }    public static Position GetPosition(this XmlTextReader xmlTextReader)    {        Position output;        if (xmlTextReader.EOF)        {            output = new Position();        }        else        {            output = new Position { LineNumber = xmlTextReader.LineNumber, LinePosition = xmlTextReader.LinePosition };        }        return output;    }}

Important and obviously, it will work only when the structure of the xml (line breaks, nodes, etc.) is always the same. In other case, it will not work.