Is there a way to specify a default property value in Spring XML? Is there a way to specify a default property value in Spring XML? xml xml

Is there a way to specify a default property value in Spring XML?

Spring 3 supports ${my.server.port:defaultValue} syntax.

There is a little known feature, which makes this even better. You can use a configurable default value instead of a hard-coded one, here is an example:



<bean id="propertyConfigurer" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer">    <property name="location">        <value></value>    </property></bean><bean id="myBean" class="Test">    <property name="timeout" value="${timeout.myBean:${timeout.default}}" /></bean>

To use the default while still being able to easily override later, do this in

timeout.myBean = ${timeout.default}

<foo name="port">   <value>${my.server.port:8088}</value></foo>

should work for you to have 8088 as default port

See also: