Is there any way to convert json to xml in PHP? Is there any way to convert json to xml in PHP? xml xml

Is there any way to convert json to xml in PHP?

If you're willing to use the XML Serializer from PEAR, you can convert the JSON to a PHP object and then the PHP object to XML in two easy steps:

include("XML/Serializer.php");function json_to_xml($json) {    $serializer = new XML_Serializer();    $obj = json_decode($json);    if ($serializer->serialize($obj)) {        return $serializer->getSerializedData();    }    else {        return null;    }}

It depends on how exactly you want you XML to look like. I would try a combination of json_decode() and the PEAR::XML_Serializer (more info and examples on

require_once 'XML/Serializer.php';$data = json_decode($json, true)// An array of serializer options$serializer_options = array (  'addDecl' => TRUE,  'encoding' => 'ISO-8859-1',  'indent' => '  ',  'rootName' => 'json',  'mode' => 'simplexml'); $Serializer = &new XML_Serializer($serializer_options);$status = $Serializer->serialize($data);if (PEAR::isError($status)) die($status->getMessage());echo '<pre>';echo htmlspecialchars($Serializer->getSerializedData());echo '</pre>';

(Untested code - but you get the idea)

Crack open the JSON with json_decode, and traverse it to generate whatever XML you want.

In case you're wondering, there is no canonical mapping between JSON and XML, so you have to write the XML-generation code yourself, based on the needs of your application.