Json version of XMLElements choice Json version of XMLElements choice xml xml

Json version of XMLElements choice

Are you using spring?. I used a simple java class In simple java I got

{   "ContactUser" : {    "Title" : "sampleTitle",    "LastName" : "sampleLastName"     },    "CompanyName" : "XXXXX"}

Could you rephrase your question. I think I quite not understand what is your intend.

This is my code:

@JsonProperty(value = "Contact")@XmlElements(value = {    @XmlElement(name = "ContactUser", type = ContactUser.class, required = true)    ,        @XmlElement(name = "CompanyName", type = String.class, required = true)})private Object contactInfo;public TestClassConstructor() throws JsonProcessingException {    contactInfo = new HashMap<String, Object>();    ((HashMap) contactInfo).put("ContactUser", new ContactUser("sampleTitle", "sampleLastName"));    ((HashMap) contactInfo).put("CompanyName", "XXXXX");    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();    String jsonResult = mapper.writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter()            .writeValueAsString(contactInfo);    System.err.println(jsonResult);}

In case you wanted to have a specific serializer you need to check: http://www.baeldung.com/jackson-serialize-field-custom-criteria