liquibase preconditions yaml liquibase preconditions yaml xml xml

liquibase preconditions yaml

this topic is poor documented, but after many tries... you can write something like this:

databaseChangeLog:  - changeSet:      id: 1      author: pazfernando      preConditions:        - onFail: MARK_RAN        - tableExists:            schemaName: sa            tableName: PROVEEDORBIENSERVICIO      changes:        - renameTable:            newTableName: PROVEEDORBIENSERVICIO            oldTableName: PROVEEDORSERVICIO            schemaName: sa

Here is another example with the sqlCheck:

preConditions:  - onFail: CONTINUE  - onError: CONTINUE  - sqlCheck:      expectedResult: 0      sql: select count(*) from oss_organization where Status is null  - sqlCheck:      expectedResult: 0      sql: select count(*) from oss_organization where Type is null

The following seems to work:

databaseChangeLog:  - changeSet:      id: 1      author: mraible      preConditions:        onFail: MARK_RAN        not:          sequenceExists:            schemaName: public            sequenceName: hibernate_sequence      changes:      - createSequence:          sequenceName: hibernate_sequence

Syntax for sqlCheck condition:

databaseChangeLog:- changeSet:    id: changeSet-id    author: myName    preConditions:      - onFail: MARK_RAN      - sqlCheck:          expectedResult: 1          sql: "select count(*) from foo where some-condition"    changes:      - sql: "your sql script"