PHP DOMDocument error handling PHP DOMDocument error handling xml xml

PHP DOMDocument error handling

From what I can gather from the documentation, handling warnings issued by this method is tricky because they are not generated by the libxml extension and thus cannot be handled by libxml_get_last_error(). You could either use the error suppression operator and check the return value for false...

if (@$xdoc->load($url) === false)    // ...handle it

...or register an error handler which throws an exception on error:

function exception_error_handler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline ) {    throw new ErrorException($errstr, 0, $errno, $errfile, $errline);}

and then catch it.

set_error_handler(function($number, $error){    if (preg_match('/^DOMDocument::loadXML\(\): (.+)$/', $error, $m) === 1) {        throw new Exception($m[1]);    }});$xml = new DOMDocument();$xml->loadXML($xmlData);restore_error_handler();

That works for me in PHP 5.3. But if you're not using loadXML, you might need to do some modifications.

To disable throwing errors:

$internal_errors = libxml_use_internal_errors(true);$dom = new DOMDocument();// etc...libxml_use_internal_errors($internal_errors);