PHP JSON or Array to XML PHP JSON or Array to XML xml xml

PHP JSON or Array to XML

Check it here: How to convert array to SimpleXML

and this documentation should help you too

Regarding Json to Array, you can use json_decode to do the same!

Here is my variant of JSON to XML conversion.I get an array from JSON using json_decode() function:

$array = json_decode ($someJsonString, true);

Then I convert the array to XML with my arrayToXml() function:

$xml = new SimpleXMLElement('<root/>');$this->arrayToXml($array, $xml);

Here is my arrayToXml() function:

/** * Convert an array to XML * @param array $array * @param SimpleXMLElement $xml */function arrayToXml($array, &$xml){    foreach ($array as $key => $value) {        if(is_int($key)){            $key = "e";        }        if(is_array($value)){            $label = $xml->addChild($key);            $this->arrayToXml($value, $label);        }        else {            $xml->addChild($key, $value);        }    }}

I am not sure about the easiest way. Both are relatively simple enough as I see it.

Here's a topic covering array to xml - How to convert array to SimpleXML and many pages covering json to xml can be found on google so I assume it's pretty much a matter of taste.