Remove xml namespaces from WCF restful response Remove xml namespaces from WCF restful response xml xml

Remove xml namespaces from WCF restful response

You can remove the XML namespace by setting the Namespace parameter of the DataContract attribute to an empty string, like so:

[DataContract(Namespace = "")]public class ResponseInfo{    // ...}

I hope this helps...

I had the same problem.Adding BodyStyle:=WebMessageBodyStyle.Bare to WebInvoke worked for me.Response is no longer wrapped in a metadata.

I assume you are trying instead of getting something like this at the beginning of your xml:

<ResponseInfo    xmlns=""   xmlns:i="" >

You want just:


Sadly, I haven't seen an easy way yet to remove those fields. I was googling for solutions and most of the options for removing it require creating your own Message inspector, or your own encoder.