Removing an Item from Magento's Admin Panel Navigation Removing an Item from Magento's Admin Panel Navigation xml xml

Removing an Item from Magento's Admin Panel Navigation

Cleaner way to do this:

Add a adminhtml.xml (e.g. to an existing modules that keeps all other customization stuff, or create a new module)

<?xml version="1.0" ?><config>    <menu>        <xmlconnect>            <disabled>1</disabled>        </xmlconnect>    </menu></config>

You could inject a bogus module dependency into the menu item in your config.xml.

In your case,

<adminhtml>  <menu>    <cms translate="title" module="cms">      <depends><module>HideMe</module></depends>    </cms>  </menu></adminhtml>

I don't think Alan would still need anyone to ask this question, but for anyone else that might end up reading this, it would be a bit better to use:

<adminhtml>  <menu>    <cms translate="title" module="cms">      <depends><config>some/configuration/flag</config></depends>    </cms>  </menu></adminhtml>