Ruby XML to JSON Converter? Ruby XML to JSON Converter? xml xml

Ruby XML to JSON Converter?

A simple trick:

First you need to gem install json, then when using Rails you can do:

require 'json'require 'active_support/core_ext'Hash.from_xml('<variable type="product_code">5</variable>').to_json #=> "{\"variable\":\"5\"}"

If you are not using Rails, then you can gem install activesupport, require it and things should work smoothly.


require 'json'require 'net/http'require 'active_support/core_ext/hash's = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse('')).bodyputs Hash.from_xml(s).to_json

I'd use Crack, a simple XML and JSON parser.

require "rubygems"require "crack"require "json"myXML  = Crack::XML.parse("my.xml"))myJSON = myXML.to_json

If you wish to keep all attributes I recommend cobravsmongoose uses the badgerfish convention.

<alice sid="4"><bob sid="1">charlie</bob><bob sid="2">david</bob></alice>




require 'rubygems'require 'cobravsmongoose'require 'json'xml = '<alice sid="4"><bob sid="1">charlie</bob><bob sid="2">david</bob></alice>'puts CobraVsMongoose.xml_to_hash(xml).to_json