Scroll behavior in nested RecyclerView with horizontal scroll Scroll behavior in nested RecyclerView with horizontal scroll xml xml

Scroll behavior in nested RecyclerView with horizontal scroll

As requested here is the solution I found good enough so far:

In my case I have a nestedScrollView with 4 RecyclerViews set to scroll horizontally inside. For each of those RecyclerViews I have done this programatically:

restaurantsRecylerView.setHasFixedSize(true); restaurantsRecylerView.setNestedScrollingEnabled(false);

You probably don't want the fixedSize, not sure if it will make any difference, my list is always 25 so I can use that for performance. After having done this I can scroll without issues even when I touch on the recyclerViews

Hope it helps

Try with RecyclerView inside

<        android:id="@+id/nScrollView"        android:layout_width="match_parent"        android:layout_height="match_parent"><!-- Set other views of your Layout --></>

Also try with different layout_scrollFlags in Toolbar and

RecylerView.setNestedScrollingEnabled(false); // set it true or false as per requirement

We can achieve this in XML
