Searching xml in Clojure Searching xml in Clojure xml xml

Searching xml in Clojure

Using Zippers from here is a solution for your second use case:

(ns core  (:use  (:require [ :as zip]            [clojure.xml :as xml]))(def data (zip/xml-zip (xml/parse PATH)))(def products (xml-> data :products :product))(for [product products :let [image (xml-> product :images :image)]                       :when (some (text= "img2.jpg") image)]  {:section (xml1-> product :section text)   :images (map text image)})=> ({:section "Red Section", :images ("img.jpg" "img2.jpg")}    {:section "Green Section", :images ("img.jpg" "img2.jpg")})

Here's an alternate version using, for all three usecases. I've found that xml-> and xml1-> has pretty powerful navigation built-in, with sub-queries in vectors.

;; [org.clojure/ "0.1.1"](ns example.core  (:require   [ :as zip]   [clojure.xml :as xml]   [ :refer [text xml-> xml1->]]))(def data (zip/xml-zip (xml/parse "/tmp/products.xml")))(let [all-products (xml-> data :products :product)      red-section (xml1-> data :products :product [:section "Red Section"])      img2 (xml-> data :products :product [:images [:image "img2.jpg"]])]  {:all-products (map (fn [product] (xml1-> product :section text)) all-products)   :red-section (xml1-> red-section :section text)   :img2 (map (fn [product] (xml1-> product :section text)) img2)})=> {:all-products ("Red Section" "Blue Section" "Green Section"),    :red-section "Red Section",    :img2 ("Red Section" "Green Section")}

You can use a library like clj-xpath