Show degree symbol in a TextView Show degree symbol in a TextView xml xml

Show degree symbol in a TextView

  1. For Celsius ℃ use :


for Fahrenheit use:


for only degree symbol without c or f use:


For example:

      String TemperatureMeasurementStr = String.valueOf(measurement.getTemperature()) + "\u2103";

Or simple example:

      String TemperatureMeasurementStr = "37"+ "\u2103";

And set the string in your textView

      public TextView temperatureTV;                           temperatureTV.setText(TemperatureMeasurementStr);
  1. if you want just to add the symbol to the xml layout file - just use:


for example:

<TextView     android:id="@+id/temperature_measure"     android:layout_width="wrap_content"     android:layout_height="wrap_content"     android:layout_alignTop="@+id/temperature_icon"     android:layout_marginBottom="-5dp"     android:layout_marginLeft="10dp"     android:layout_toRightOf="@+id/temperature_icon"     android:text="37\u2103"     android:textAlignment="center"     android:textSize="50sp"  />
  1. if you want this symbol to be smaller or in different color or style then the number (lets say "normal" while the number itself is "bold") then you can use SpannableString:

Like this:

String TemperatureMeasurementStr = String.valueOf(measurement.getTemperature()) + "\u2103";SpannableString tempSpan=  new SpannableString(TemperatureMeasurementStr);if (TemperatureMeasurement.length() >0){       //the symbol will be smaller then the number    tempSpan.setSpan(new RelativeSizeSpan(0.7f),TemperatureMeasurementStr.length() - 1, TemperatureMeasurementStr.length(), 0);    //the number style will be bold and the symbol normal   tempSpan.setSpan(new, 0,   TemperatureMeasurementStr.length()-1, 0);      //the symbol color will be yellow   tempSpan.setSpan(new ForegroundColorSpan(Color.YELLOW), TemperatureMeasurementStr.length() - 1, TemperatureMeasurementStr.length(), 0); } temperatureTV.setText(tempSpan);

Finally, if you want just to type the degree symbol "°" in any editor in windows (include android studio) just use:




&#xb0; is just the standard way of inserting special characters into XML. You can refer to for a more full description, but to break it down:

  • & indicates it's the start of a special character.
  • # means the character is indicated with a number (versus a special string code, e.g. & for ampersands).
  • x means the numeric code is a hexadecimal value.
  • b0 the hex value for the degree symbol (176 in decimal).
  • ; ends the sequence.

An alternative representation would be &#176; which uses the decimal value instead of hex.

Hence, you can insert any special character if you know its ASCII decimal/hex value.

There're a lot of ways to do it :

1.- You can create a char as follows :

char degreesymbol = '\u00B0';

Then you can add it on your TextView

2.- You can put it on your XML as follows :


3.- And if you want to make it programmatically do it as follows :

YOURTEXTVIEW.setText((Your_Temperature) + " \u2109");