SQL "For XML Path" - nested results SQL "For XML Path" - nested results xml xml

SQL "For XML Path" - nested results

It can be done.

select   a1.YearPart as '@Year',  ( select MonthPart as '@Month',      (select DayPart as '@Day',         (select            lib_title as '@RecordName',             PID as '@RecordID'          from @agenda as a4          where a4.DayPart = a3.DayPart and                a4.MonthPart = a2.MonthPart and                a4.YearPart = a1.YearPart          for xml path('Item'), type                  )       from @agenda as a3       where a3.YearPart = a1.YearPart and             a3.MonthPart = a2.MonthPart       group by a3.DayPart       for xml path('Day'), type            )    from @agenda as a2    where a1.YearPart = a2.YearPart    group by a2.MonthPart    for xml path('Month'), type  )  from @agenda as a1group by YearPartfor xml path('Year'), root