State of XML support in Scala 2.9.x State of XML support in Scala 2.9.x xml xml

State of XML support in Scala 2.9.x

There is an alternative library available for XML in Scala, Anti-XML. From the home page:

Anti-XML is a proposed replacement for the scala.xml package in the Scala standard library. The standard package is outdated and beyond fixing. We need to start over, on solid foundations and unburdened by backward compatibility. Anti-XML aims for quality in three major areas: Usability, Reliability, Performance

If you're looking at using XML seriously, then it's worth looking at Anti-XML.

The source is available here:

Let me answer this way:

Or, putting it into words, many people are not satisfied. After all, people are writing full blown alternatives instead of trying to "fix" the library. And, speaking of fixing, I had a fix which turned an operation from O(n^2) to O(n) submitted for so long that, when someone opened the very same issue again, I didn't even remember having opened it before.

Mind you, Lift uses standard library XML, and, as far as I know, so do most of the other web frameworks (I suspect Play doesn't), so it's not like it's unusable.

Scala XML is stable, supported and won’t go away for a very long time.

Nonetheless, there are some design criticisms made and a few people sat down and decided to write a better alternative from scratch, Anti-XML.

If everything works out, you will have an additional choice in the future.