The argument 1 of the XML data type method "value" must be a string literal The argument 1 of the XML data type method "value" must be a string literal xml xml

The argument 1 of the XML data type method "value" must be a string literal

You must use sql variable implicitly:

Declare @Count Int = 1While(@count <= @j)Begininsert into mytable([Word])Select ([XmlColumn].value('(/word[sql:variable("@Count")]/@Entry)[1]','nvarchar(max)'))    from OtherTable WHERE ID=2

You can remove the while loop and do the insert in one go using nodes to shred the XML.

insert into mytable([Word])select N.value('@Entry', 'nvarchar(max)')from OtherTable  cross apply XmlColumn.nodes('word') as T(N)where ID = 2

If @j is there to limit the number of rows you want to insert to mytable you can use this instead.

insert into mytable([Word])select IDfrom  (    select N.value('@Entry', 'nvarchar(max)') as ID,            row_number() over(order by T.N) as rn    from OtherTable      cross apply XmlColumn.nodes('word') as T(N)    where ID = 2  ) Twhere rn <= @j

If you for some reason really want to use the loop then you can do like this instead.

while @Count <= @jbegin  insert into mytable([Word])  select XMLColumn.value('(/word[sql:variable("@Count")]/@Entry)[1]', 'nvarchar(max)')  from OtherTable  where ID = 2