Unicode characters like \u0016 in XML Unicode characters like \u0016 in XML xml xml

Unicode characters like \u0016 in XML

Characters are denoted using the notation used in the Unicode Standard, that is, an optional U+ followed by their hexadecimal number, using at least 4 digits, such as U+1234 or U+10FFFD. In XML or HTML this could be expressed as ሴ or 􏿽.

from Unicode Technical Report.

Valid characters in XML:

Char ::= #x9 | #xA | #xD | [#x20-#xD7FF] | [#xE000-#xFFFD] | [#x10000-#x10FFFF]

from Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Fifth Edition)

You cannot use control characters directly in XML. If you needed to store binary data in XML file you could Base 64 encode it. That way you can store images, ...