WebApi - How to include relative paths for included App_Data XML files? WebApi - How to include relative paths for included App_Data XML files? xml xml

WebApi - How to include relative paths for included App_Data XML files?

Ended up finding the answer.

The following is needed to read the relative paths in a WebApi project:

var fullPath = System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.MapPath(@"~/App_Data/yourXmlFile.xml");

As jdweng inferred several months back, Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("AppData") would seem to be the preferred method. The OP's auto-accepted answer and that give quite different results. For example, using both of those in my project, I get:


...for the OP's long-winded code, namely this:

var fullPath = System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.MapPath(@"~/App_Data/yourXmlFile.xml");

...and this:


...for jdweng's code, to wit:

string appData = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("AppData");

OTOH, this code:

string appDataFolder = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/");



So it's very similar in results (if not methodology) to the first example above. I actually got it from a question I asked almost two years ago, which I had forgotten about.

I'm not positive if jdweng's approach would work as expected once the app is deployed on a server, but I have much more confidence in it than the other approaches.

Can anyone verify?


The accepted answer here has 237 upvotes at time of typing, so seems pretty reliable, albeit 6 years old (42 in dog years, which may be a good sign).

Your approach is fine. You just had some tpying error,You wrote

string docOne = @"~\AppData\DocOne.xml";

But it should have been

string docOne = @"~\App_Data\DocOne.xml";