What is the performance penalty of XML data type in SQL Server when compared to NVARCHAR(MAX)? What is the performance penalty of XML data type in SQL Server when compared to NVARCHAR(MAX)? xml xml

What is the performance penalty of XML data type in SQL Server when compared to NVARCHAR(MAX)?

If you do have XML, and you can be sure it's always XML, I would definitely recommend going that way. SQL Server stores XML in an optimized format - you don't even need any XML indices on that to benefit from it.

If you insert 5000 rows of a 5KB XML into an XML column, you get roughly 1250 pages = 9 MB. Inserting the same 5000 rows with the same 5KB XML into NVARCHAR(MAX) uses over 3700 pages or 29 MB - quite a difference!

And that difference should be even more pronounced if you can associate your XML with a XML schema stored in SQL Server. Plus you're also guaranteed that the XML stored conforms to a schema - can be very helpful at times! Can't do that with a plain NVARCHAR(MAX) column...

And I don't agree that using XML over NVARCHAR(MAX) has any performance penalty - quite the contrary. Since you're potentially retrieving less data from SQL Server when you're about to display or fetch the content, I would argue it's even a tad faster than NVARCHAR(MAX).

This benchmark shows XML data type using less IO but a little more CPU than VARCHAR(MAX). I would think NVARCHAR(MAX) would take even more IO since it's unicode.
