XML: MSXML Not Installed XML: MSXML Not Installed xml xml

XML: MSXML Not Installed

On Windows, TXMLDocument uses MSXML by default, which uses COM objects. Your thread is not calling CoInitialize/Ex() before loading the XML, so COM is not able to instantiate any of the MSXML COM objects that IXMLDocument attempts to create internally (it attempts to create multiple COM objects to discover which version of MSXML is actually installed). The error message you are seeing means all of the MSXML COM objects failed to instantiate.

You MUST call CoInitialize/Ex() in every thread context that accesses COM objects, eg:

procedure My_Thread.Execute;var  ...begin  CoInitialize(nil);  try    ...    XMLDoc := LoadXMLData(str);    try     ...    finally      // Since CoInitialize() and CoUninitialize() are being called in the same      // method as local COM interface variables, it is very important to release      // the COM interfaces before calling CoUninitialize(), do not just let them      // release automatically when they go out of scope, as that will be too late...      StartItemNode := nil;      ANode := nil;      XMLDoc := nil;    end;    ...  finally    CoUninitialize;  end;end;

UPDATE: If you don't want to rely on this: you can use a different XML library of your choosing, you don't have to use MSXML:

Using the Document Object Model

Selecting an XML Vendor

When you build an application, RAD Studio uses the default built-in XML vendor, MSXML.

If you do not specify a different XML vendor, your application does not have XML support on other platforms than Windows, and you see a run-time exception when you run your application in other platforms. For cross-platform applications, OmniXML is currently the best choice, as it shows much better performance than ADOM.

To choose a different XML vendor, add a reference to the unit of the vendor into the unit where you use the RTL XML features, such as the TXMLDocument class. If you add more than one XML vendor unit, the first unit referenced is used as XML vendor. If you need to override this behavior, change the value of the DefaultDOMVendor global variable to the global variable of the XML vendor that you want to use.

Note: You can look up the unit and the global variable of each XML vendor in the List of Built-in XML Vendors above.

When you use the TXMLDocument component, you can choose an XML vendor using its DOMVendor property. When you change the value of DOMVendor, the unit that uses the component is configured to use the specified XML vendor, so that you do not need to change unit references or the DefaultDOMVendor global variable manually.

MSXMLS needs to be installed before.. in servicePack2 for XP MSXML 4.0 Service Pack 2 (Microsoft XML Core Services) Microsoft Core XML Services (MSXML) 6.0 the same for windows 7..Bye

I had same problem in one of my Delphi projects, but I used IdThreadComponent instead of Thread object. my problem was at line:DOC:= NewXMLDocument;I remove this line from inside the thread run method and bring it right before the calling Thread as below:Doc := NewXMLDocument;IdThreadComponent1.Start;