xmllint : how to validate an XML using a local DTD file xmllint : how to validate an XML using a local DTD file xml xml

xmllint : how to validate an XML using a local DTD file

First of all, external DTDs do not need the <!DOCTYPE preamble - remove it from the DTD file:

<!ELEMENT coord (date)><!ELEMENT date (#PCDATA)>

Then, --loaddtd fetches an external DTD, which is not the same as validating against an external DTD. Use the --dtdvalid option as follows:

$ xmllint --noout --dtdvalid test.dtd test.xml

If the XML document is valid, xmllint will not output anything (because of --noout). If you change the DTD to, say:

<!ELEMENT coord (date,other)><!ELEMENT date (#PCDATA)>

The output will be

$ xmllint --noout --dtdvalid test.dtd test.xmltest.xml:2: element coord: validity error : Element coord content does not follow the DTD, expecting (date , other), got (date )Document test.xml does not validate against test.dtd

Look for more information on the doc pages of NMT or XMLSoft.