Python - No handlers could be found for logger "OpenGL.error" Python - No handlers could be found for logger "OpenGL.error" python python

Python - No handlers could be found for logger "OpenGL.error"

Looks like OpenGL is trying to report some error on Win2003, however you've not configured your system where to output logging info.

You can add the following to the beginning of your program and you'll see details of the error in stderr.

import logginglogging.basicConfig()

Checkout documentation on logging module to get more config info, conceptually it's similar to log4J.

The proper way to get rid of this message is to configure NullHandler for the root level logger of your library (OpenGL).

After adding the Logging above, I was able to see that the problem was caused by missing TConstants class, which I was excluding in the py2exe file.

After removing the "Tconstants" from the excluded list, I no longer had problems.