supervisord logs don't show my output supervisord logs don't show my output python python

supervisord logs don't show my output

Python output is buffered. Setting the environment variable PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 in you supervisord.conf will disable buffering and show log messages sooner:

[program:x]environment = PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1

or add the -u command-line switch to python command:

[program:x]command = python -u

Alternatively you can flush the sys.stdout handler explicitly:


On python 3.3 and up, you can add the flush=True parameter to have the function do this for you:

print(something, flush=True)

You can run your program like this:

python -u

this will produce unbuffered output

If you have python based script that you can't or don't want to change to flush output on a regular base then you can use unbuffer from the Expect package.

For a Django application in a docker container I've lately used it like that (from a shell script run from supervisord):

unbuffer python -u runserver 2>&1 >> /var/log/django.log