Two comboboxes with the same CollectionViewSource ItemSource update each other Two comboboxes with the same CollectionViewSource ItemSource update each other wpf wpf

Two comboboxes with the same CollectionViewSource ItemSource update each other

This is normal, CollectionViews have a CurrentItem and if the ItemsSource is a CollectionView they get synchronized, see IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem:

true if the SelectedItem is always synchronized with the current item in the ItemCollection; false if the SelectedItem is never synchronized with the current item; null if the SelectedItem is synchronized with the current item only if the Selector uses a CollectionView. The default value is null.

So you can just turn it off manually by setting that property to false.

(By the way, you can also bind to the CurrentItem of a CollectionView via a slash. e.g. People/Name binds to the Name property of the current person in People.)